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IGC – Or In Game Credit specializes in building fun IOS and Android apps ranging from treasure hunt through to puzzle games for kids of all ages. We also have placed special In Game Advertising into the ecosystem of apps so that we provide rewards in certain apps for watching the advertisement or viewing the banner advertisement. 

In Game players can view banner ads and also videos to get the XRPL credits called IGC (In Game Credit). We use google Adsense and also Admob for our advertising channel. We place the adsense code on the games pages. This is a great source of revenue for the gaming studio. 

In Game is a games studio based out of Australia. Each one of our apps has a specialized code for both IOS and for Android and also for the type of advertisement that is to be displayed. In Game Advertising is a great way to ensure our XRPL project continues to build, scale and grow for many years. 

In Game play to earn tokens can be won and withdrawn instantly by our apps. The more you play the more potential you can earn. We create the utility for the token as there are ways to spend the IGC on things like removing the In Game Advertising for as little as 200 IGC. 

In Game Advertising IGC

In Game Advertising example is listed above where you can view your estimated earnings, requests, impressions, match rate and eCPM. For website or Adsense advertising you will need to visit a separate section of google dashboard. A good way to monitor them all is to have google site kit for kpi measurement. 

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“ Everyone can place and collect points and promotions in the worlds largest RETAIL Treasure Hunt ”

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Shops Can Place as Either:

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(Its fake gold obviously 🙂 )